Accounts receivable management best practices: Ways to maximise efficiency and accuracy

But relying on a powerful tech stack is not enough – to make the most of their resources, businesses need a carefully thought-out strategy. Below, we'll share best practices that businesses can use for accounts receivable management.

What's in this article?

What is accounts receivable?

Accounts receivable refers to the money that a business has a right to collect from its customers for goods or services provided. When a company sells something but has not yet received payment, the amount due becomes part of accounts receivable. These receivables function as a short-term asset on a company's balance sheet, often appearing as an IOU from clients or customers.

Here's what accounts receivable looks like in different sectors:

Why is accounts receivable management so important for businesses?

Accounts receivable is often dismissed as being a routine concern for businesses, but as payment methods and terms become more advanced, a strategic approach to accounts receivable can offer businesses major benefits. These include:

Accounts receivable management best practices

While there's no fixed playbook for making the most of your accounts receivable management strategy, there are general best practices that most businesses will find helpful. These include:

Take advantage of automation and technology

Using technology as part of accounts receivable can refine business operations, allowing businesses to simplify and fortify their invoicing and collections processes. Here's how automating accounts receivable can benefit businesses:

Automation typically involves incorporating tech integrations into your accounts receivable practices, which has additional upsides:

Be meticulous about credit management

Extending credit to customers, either in-house or by using a third-party partner, can open up new revenue streams, but not without bringing its own share of complications and liabilities. Fully understanding a customer's creditworthiness and managing these relationships can improve financial stability and reduce fiscal vulnerabilities. Here's a rundown of the significance of credit management:

Here are some ways to advance your credit management practices:

Refine your dispute resolution process

Disputes are inevitable, especially in fields such as e-commerce and SaaS. The manner in which a business manages these disagreements can affect both financial health and reputation. Effective dispute resolution not only smooths out the revenue cycle, but also lays the groundwork for lasting customer relationships. Here's why dispute management is so important for businesses:

Strategies for elevating dispute resolution:

Improving your dispute resolution strategy can benefit your business. Beyond the immediate financial advantages, it positions your business as being trustworthy and customer-centred, which in turn fosters growth and longevity.

Prioritise transparent and reliable communication in accounts receivable management

Strong, consistent, effective and accessible communication practices are important for successful accounts receivable management. When it comes to accounts receivable, communication can:

Steps to enhance communication effectiveness:

Strong communication in accounts receivable management can reduce potential friction points in the billing cycle and create lasting, positive relationships with clients. In the long term, these benefits contribute to steady revenue streams and a trustworthy business image.

Offer flexible payment conditions and options

Adjusting payment conditions based on individual client histories and behaviours helps to cultivate relationships, rewards loyalty and safeguards business interests. Benefits of flexible payment conditions include:

Here's a quick rundown of points to consider surrounding dynamic payment implementation:

By tailoring payment terms – recognising and valuing consistent clients while also being prudent about potential financial risks – businesses can develop better client relationships. This approach offers direct financial benefits, in addition to supporting a business's long-term health and reputation.

Make the most of data for more informed financial choices

Using complete, accurate data can significantly influence the effectiveness and predictability of incoming funds. Here are some key benefits of strong data usage:

Here are some ways to use payment data for a better approach to accounts receivable:

Using data in this way allows businesses to make smarter decisions, anticipating challenges and addressing them in advance. This shift not only improves cash flow, but can also lead to stronger client relationships.

The content in this article is for general information and education purposes only and should not be construed as legal or tax advice. Stripe does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, adequacy, or currency of the information in the article. You should seek the advice of a competent lawyer or accountant licensed to practise in your jurisdiction for advice on your particular situation.