Our new "Off and Away" personal device policy aims to minimize distractions and enhance the educational environment for students in all grade levels. Understanding and cooperation from both students and parents are crucial for successful implementation.
While there are specific, limited exceptions to the policy, consequences for non-compliance will be enforced. Silencing and stowing cell phones has been a practice in middle and elementary schools, and the updated policy now applies this practice to students in all grade levels.
We appreciate your support in creating a focused and productive learning atmosphere for our students.
School staff are available to receive your phone calls and deliver any message you may have for your student. We ask that you call the main office should you need to contact your student in the event of an emergency.
Our Off and Away expectations span the entire school day to include lunch, hallways, restrooms, and class transitions. Students may access their phones before and after school hours. Discipline procedures will be followed for students found with their phones visible or using their phones during lunch.
Students who are found to have their phones out during the school day will have to place it in a secure bag/pouch provided by school administration. The student will maintain possession of their phone while in the locked bag, but will need to have a parent or guardian present to have the bag/pouch unlocked to retrieve their phone at the end of the school day.
Exemptions that would allow a student to use their phones during the school day would require the following types of documentation: medical, 504, IEP, or an extenuating circumstance approved by school administration. All exemptions require appropriate documentation approved by school administration.
A parent/guardian shall be required to report to school at the end of the school day to have the pouch unlocked by an authorized school employee. In extenuating circumstances, the principal/designee has the discretion to unlock the pouch at the end of the school day without parental/guardian present at the school.
To minimize distractions, improve engagement, and fostering a better learning environment.
Yes, but only with earbuds or headphones and while following all other school bus rules.
In support of this new policy, we ask for your continued partnership in having your student work with faculty members at their school to contact you via approved means. Should there be extenuating circumstances for which you would like to request that your student have access to their cell phone, you will need to seek approval from school administration.
Teachers will work to utilize other resources and technology to achieve instructional outcomes.
Personal/electronic communication devices will not be allowed during the school day per the updated policy. They include but are not limited to computing devices, personal laptops, cellular phones, electronic and wireless devices such as headphones, earbuds, wearable devices, smart watches, and other Bluetooth-enabled devices that can manage calls, messages, or images.